Usage of AutismTech in the ABA-centre, or in the private practice of a bahavior specialist reduces the time and resource consuption to prepare behavior recording sheets and simplifies control of the intervention effectiveness. Also, the system shortens the time of decision-making when correcting the intervention, increases the productivity of a multidisciplinary team. Moreover, the platform lets record relevant data by people with minimally possible level of training in Applied Behavior Analysis, reducing the level of the observer mistakes and making prompts on reaching the target criterion level right on the screen, as if the qualified specialist is beside!
All data is well received and processed
All graphs are built
Session results are available immediately
Data is available in various formats
Fast intervention procedure individualization
Creating protocols with minimal efforts
Managing behavior analysis depth
Management of specialist opration time in several centres
Visual analysis of intervention efficiency for the client
Procedure efficiency analysis
Managing multidisciplinary teams
Choice of experimental designs with automated data analysis
Monitoring of procedure results for remote supervision
Control of planned generalization procedures