For specialists

AutismTech is a platform to automate behavior data measurement and visual analysis. It is a system of mobile and web applications which let specialists in Applied Behavior Analysis make timely and data-driven decisions during intervention, automate visual analysis and report generation, as well as significantly reduce expenses on intervention documentation system creation and support. This system is created in compliance with behavior data recording for the most wide-spread intervention methods and the Ethical Compliance Code for Behavior Analysts.

For Behavior Analysts

Created by specialists for the specialists, considering the practice peculiarities for teams of different sizes, this system takes into account the provisions of the Ethical Compliance Code for Behavior Analysts and helps keep to it. Moreover, AutismTech reduces resource consumption to create, support, keep and access the behavior odificatin intervention programmes. Also, AutismTech reduces the possibility of errors while behaviour data recording and ensures the recorded data is transmitted and the decisions are made in a timely manner.
The system reduces the effort level for bhavior data recording by 5 times, while ensuring up to 2 times more immediacy to present the analytical work to the analyst than traditional paper data recording sheets (according to the report at the 5th International scientific and practical conference "Science and practice of Applied Behavior Analysis" help in September 2020.

For specialists

Behavior modification programme curators

Taking into account the expertise of the curators in practice who use AutismTech system lets:

  • promptly adjust instructions for instructors,
  • automate delivery of planned prompts for the instructors to make decisions on the go,
  • manage automated graph building.

During the curation practice, the intervention programe manager can:

  • make changes to the intervention procedure,
  • take into account changes in the intervention conditions, plan the intervention,
  • monitor generalization of the skills formed.

The system also lets:

  • record inappropriate behavior data in general and separately within a certain protocol,
  • reduce the demand to the theoretical preparation of the observers,
  • automate building scatter-plots for inappropriate behavior.

Thus, alongside with the simple form for ABC-recording by the parents or tutors, the system offers the curators wide possibilities to analyse the date and develp correction plans on the basis of precise and relevant behavior data.

Кураторам: автоматическое построение графиков поведения

For instructors

The platform is built the way that ensures the instructors do not need extra skills, except for smartphone usage ones. The applications developed let:

  • record behavior data even without data carrier,
  • transfer the recorded data at soonest network connection,
  • use colour codes for fast response recording,
  • instructors get prompts at planned possibility to change the intervention parameters,
  • see the data of the latest responses,
  • have single touch access to ABC recording to a separate database for analysis.

Logics of inappropriate behavior data recording ensures the data is automatically recorded as observed during the procedure implementation and in overall inappropriate behavior database for the client.

These measures of the ABA instructor's mobile workstation automation let the specialist keep hands free and record the behavior data fast in an intensive workflow, without diversion to search appropriate paper data recording sheet, procedure description and instructions from the Analyst, as well as make decisions and implement planned changes during the work in a timely manner.

Терапистам: легкость сбора данных поведения

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