For parents

The behavior data recording and analysis system makes it possible for parents to participate in the intervention and run procedures under the supervision of the specialists. Moreover, it lets record the data on target free mands and inappropriate behavior in a simple and fast manner. Low requirements to the theoretical training in Applied Behavior Analysis let them adequately take part in the intervention after BST training under the supervision of a skilled specialist.

Merits for parents

прозрачность действий АВА специалистов

Clarity of aims and methods of the intervention

открытая постановка целей терапии аутизма

Availablity of the latest session results

правильное применение методов с доказанной эффективностью

Adequate participation in the intervention under the supervision of skilled specialists

легкие самостоятельные измерения

Simplicity of the behavior measurement

АВА-терапия с соблюдением стандартов

Aid in keeping to the right for effective treatment

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