Project description

AutismTech is a cloud cross-platform online system for digital behavior measurement recording, safe storage and ensuring access to the confidential information. The system automatically builds reports and graphs for visual analysis by the specialists in Applied Behavior Analysis and their timely decision-making within the behavior modification intervention programmes, including decision-making by the instructors on the go. The system also makes it possible to analyse behavior data recorded on other media. The contribution of AutismTech into the educaiton process digitalization and improving labour productivity is as follows: it implements paper-less intervention documentation workflows, it implements digital models of education process management while training children with special needs in education. Moreover, the system sets low requirements to the level of instructor and parent theoretical preparation, as well as device hardware requirements.

Aims of creating Autismtech

The system is created in order to ensure the following:
- qualified specialists can help more people; - parents know about their right for effective treatment, control keeping to it and participate in the intervention programme;
-instructors and multidisciplinary team members can record and timely present correctly recorded and relevant data for analysis.
The platform lets make timely and data-driven decisions on the basis of quality data in compliance with the scientific requirements. At the same time, digitalization of the education process does not require prior long and specialized user training for users within the roles of "Instructor" and "Parent", or any special equipment. To reach these aims, it is fine to use your usual mobile devices under the supervision of the skilled specialist who manages the whole intervention and creates procedures in the roles of "Curator", or "Analyst"

Presented at professional scientific and practical conferences: "Applied Behavior Analysis: theory and practice" (2018), "Autism: challenges and solutions" (2019-2020), "Science and practice of applied behavior analysis" (2020).

History of creation

First minimal viable version was presented in October 2018 at the 4th International conference in Applied Behavior Analysis. During 2019, thanks to building internal theoretical and practical competences, as well as implementation in various ABA-centres, the system evolved and developed its functionality, grew up with new automation tools for various behavior modification procedures. In 2020, we were ready to present the results of AutismTech implementation into the practice of behaviour modification programme managers and supervisors at 2 conferences. In April 2020, at "Autism: challenges and solutions" conference we presented practical cases of decision0making performed by behavior programme manager and supervisor on the basis of the communication skill formation programme implemented completely within "AutismTech". In September 2020, we reported at the 5th International online-conference " Science and practice of Applied Behavior Analysis" about the results of the research of social validity of using AutismTech system in practice of managing behavior modification programmes.

Simple, available and automated

Data recording and analysis while using methods DTT, shaping, chaining, VCD, mand training and alternative communication

Planed instructions and prompts for instructors during the data recording

Automated prompts for decision-making by the instructor at reaching the response criteria

Several levels of data analysis for fast assesment of the progress in mastering target skils and overall behavior modification programme

Screening tools to run Functional Assessment

Implemented methods let run intervention to reach criteria of Levels 2 and 3 of VB-MAPP (tm)

Developing motivational sphere is made easier thanks to the logics of automating procedures for mand training and instant access to recording free mand data

Inappropriate behavior data recording and analysis

Free hands while ABC-recording in 4 taps

Easy recording of massive data flow on inappropriate behavior

Fast detection of behavior patterns thanks to automated scatter-plots

Integrated automation of data processing to develop a hypothesis on the behavior function

Convenient data extraction by Antecedent, Behavior and Consequences to analyse every episode of one target inappropriate behavior in analysis

Alltogether - a powerful tool to run functional assessment, choose the least restrictive intervention and monitor inappropriate behavior in all target environments.

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System design principles AutismTech

The basis for all interactions between the system users is the Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts, confidentiality and data transmission safety.

Alongside with increasing the labour productivity of specialists in Applied Behavior Analysis at all levels while building graphs on the basis of correctly recorded and timely processed data, AutismTech lets use methods with proven effectiveness in remote regions, over the internet and with low expenses on training how to record and process behavior data. Thus, the efforts of highly qualified specialists are aimed at developing the intervention plan and analysis of the related data after fast training of the instructors and/or parents on how to implement the respected methods. So, AutismTech makes Applied Behavior Analysis available to more people who really need it. At the same time, the system contributes to keeping to the ethical standards of the specialists in Applied Behavior Analysis and keeping to the rights of parents and tutors.

We are thankful to everyone who helped us, supported and treated with respect while designing and developing the system, especially:

  • analysts
  • behavior modification programme managers
  • instructors
  • parents, tutors and their children

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